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Higher level client for callback based component execution.

BaseContext module-attribute #

BaseContext = BaseContext

Deprecated alias of yuyo.interactions.BaseContext

CallbackSig module-attribute #

CallbackSig = Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]

Type hint of a component callback.

Client module-attribute #

Client = ComponentClient

Alias of ComponentClient.

Context module-attribute #

Context = ComponentContext

Alias of ComponentContext.

Paginator module-attribute #

Paginator = ComponentPaginator

Alias of ComponentPaginator.

StaticPaginator module-attribute #

StaticPaginator = StaticComponentPaginator

Stream module-attribute #

Stream = StreamExecutor

Alias of StreamExecutor.

WaitFor module-attribute #

WaitFor = WaitForExecutor

Alias of WaitForExecutor.

AbstractComponentExecutor #

Bases: ABC

Abstract interface of an object which handles the execution of a message component.

custom_ids abstractmethod property #


Collection of the custom IDs this executor is listening for.

execute abstractmethod async #


Execute this component.


  • ctx (Context) –

    The context to execute this with.


ActionColumnExecutor #

Bases: AbstractComponentExecutor

Executor which handles columns of action rows.

This can be used to declare and handle the components on a message a couple of ways.

To send a column's components pass ActionColumnExecutor.rows as components when calling the create message method (e.g. respond/create_message).


Sub-components can be added to an instance of the column executor using chainable methods on it:

async def callback_1(ctx: components.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.respond("meow")

components = (
    .add_interactive_button(hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, chainable, label="Button 1")
    .add_link_button("", label="Button 2",)

Alternatively, subclasses of ActionColumnExecutor can act as a template where "static" fields are included on all instances and subclasses of that class:


Since decorators are executed from the bottom upwards fields added through decorator calls will follow the same order.

async def callback_1(ctx: components.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.respond("meow")

async def callback_2(ctx: components.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.respond("meow")

@components.with_static_select_menu(callback_1, hikari.ComponentType.USER_SELECT_MENU, max_values=5)
class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    __slots__ = ("special_string",)  # ActionColumnExecutor supports slotting.

    # The init can be overridden to store extra data on the column object when subclassing.
    def __init__(self, special_string: str, timeout: typing.Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None):
        self.special_string = special_string

    CustomColumn.add_static_text_menu(callback_2, min_values=0, max_values=3)
    # The following calls are all adding options to the added
    # text select menu.
    .add_option("Option 1", "value 1")
    .add_option("Option 2", "value 2")
    .add_option("Option 3", "value 3")

There's also class descriptors which can be used to declare static components. The following descriptors work by decorating their component's callback:

link_button returns a descriptor without decorating any callback.

class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    @components.as_interactive_button(ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, label="label")
    async def left_button(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

    link_button = components.link_button(url="", label="Go to page")

    @components.as_interactive_button(ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, label="meow")
    async def right_button(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

    @components.as_channel_menu(channel_types=[hikari.TextableChannel], custom_id="eep")
    async def text_select_menu(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

rows property #


The rows in this column.

__init__ #

__init__(*, authors=None, ephemeral_default=False, id_metadata=None)

Initialise an action column executor.


  • authors (Optional[Iterable[SnowflakeishOr[User]]], default: None ) –

    Users who are allowed to use the components this represents.

    If no users are provided then the components will be public (meaning that anybody can use it).

  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether or not the responses made on contexts spawned from this executor should default to ephemeral (meaning only the author can see them) unless flags is specified on the response method.

  • id_metadata (Optional[Mapping[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Mapping of metadata to append to the custom IDs in this column.

    The keys in this can either be the match part of component custom IDs or the names of the component's callback when it was added using one of the as_ class descriptors.

add_builder #


Add a raw component builder to this action column.

This is mostly for adding components where the custom ID is already registered as a separate constant executor.


add_channel_menu #

add_channel_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_interactive_button #

add_interactive_button(style, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to this action column.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The button's execution callback.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_link_button(url, /, *, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a link button to this action column.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_mentionable_menu #

add_mentionable_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_role_menu #

add_role_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_select_menu #

add_select_menu(type_, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a select menu to this action column.

The following methods should be used instead:

add_static_builder classmethod #


Add a raw component builder to all subclasses and instances of this column.

This is mostly for adding components where the custom ID is already registered as a separate constant executor.


  • builder (ComponentBuilder) –

    The component builder to add to the column class.

add_static_channel_menu classmethod #

add_static_channel_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_interactive_button classmethod #

add_static_interactive_button(style, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The button's execution callback.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_link_button(url, /, *, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a link button to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_mentionable_menu classmethod #

add_static_mentionable_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_role_menu classmethod #

add_static_role_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_select_menu classmethod #

add_static_select_menu(type_, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

The following class methods should be used instead:

add_static_text_menu classmethod #

add_static_text_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added by calling TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.



add_static_user_menu classmethod #

add_static_user_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_text_menu #

add_text_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added by calling TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


add_user_menu #

add_user_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

with_channel_menu #

with_channel_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_interactive_button #

with_interactive_button(style, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to this action column through a decorator call.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.

with_mentionable_menu #

with_mentionable_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_role_menu #

with_role_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_static_channel_menu classmethod #

with_static_channel_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_interactive_button classmethod #

with_static_interactive_button(style, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a static interactive button to this action column class through a decorator call.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


with_static_mentionable_menu classmethod #

with_static_mentionable_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static mentionable select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_role_menu classmethod #

with_static_role_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static role select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_text_menu classmethod #

with_static_text_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added using [yuyo.components.with_option].

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_user_menu classmethod #

with_static_user_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static user select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_text_menu #

with_text_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column through a decorator callback.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added using components.with_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_user_menu #

with_user_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

ComponentClient #

Client used to handle component executors within a REST or gateway flow.

alluka property #


The Alluka client being used for callback dependency injection.

cache property #


Hikari cache instance this client was initialised with.

events property #


Object of the event manager this client was initialised with.

rest property #


Object of the Hikari REST client this client was initialised with.

server property #


Object of the Hikari interaction server provided for this client.

shards property #


Object of the Hikari shard manager this client was initialised with.

voice property #


Object of the Hikari voice component this client was initialised with.

__init__ #

__init__(*, alluka=None, cache=None, event_manager=None, event_managed=None, rest=None, server=None, shards=None, voice=None)

Initialise a component client.

This sets ComponentClient as a type dependency when alluka isn't passed.


For an easier way to initialise the client from a bot see ComponentClient.from_gateway_bot, ComponentClient.from_rest_bot, and ComponentClient.from_tanjun.


  • alluka (Optional[Client], default: None ) –

    The Alluka client to use for callback dependency injection in this client.

    If not provided then this will initialise its own Alluka client.

  • event_manager (Optional[EventManager], default: None ) –

    The event manager this client should listen to dispatched component interactions from if applicable.

  • event_managed (Optional[bool], default: None ) –

    Whether this client should be automatically opened and closed based on the lifetime events dispatched by event_manager.

    Defaults to True if an event manager is passed.

  • server (Optional[InteractionServer], default: None ) –

    The server this client should listen to component interactions from if applicable.


close #


Close the component client.

deregister_executor #


Remove a component executor by its custom IDs.



  • Self

    The component client to allow chaining.


  • KeyError

    If the executor isn't registered.

deregister_message #


Remove a component executor by its message.



  • Self

    The component client to allow chaining.


  • KeyError

    If the message is not registered.

from_gateway_bot classmethod #

from_gateway_bot(bot, /, *, alluka=None, event_managed=True)

Build a component client from a Gateway Bot.

This sets ComponentClient as a type dependency when alluka isn't passed.


  • bot (_GatewayBotProto) –

    The Gateway bot this component client should be bound to.

  • alluka (Optional[Client], default: None ) –

    The Alluka client to use for callback dependency injection in this client.

    If not provided then this will initialise its own Alluka client.

  • event_managed (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether the component client should be automatically opened and closed based on the lifetime events dispatched by bot.


from_rest_bot classmethod #

from_rest_bot(bot, /, *, alluka=None, bot_managed=False)

Build a component client from a REST Bot.

This sets ComponentClient as a type dependency when alluka isn't passed.


  • bot (RESTBotAware) –

    The REST bot this component client should be bound to.

  • alluka (Optional[Client], default: None ) –

    The Alluka client to use for callback dependency injection in this client.

    If not provided then this will initialise its own Alluka client.

  • bot_managed (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the component client should be automatically opened and closed based on the Bot's startup and shutdown callbacks.


from_tanjun classmethod #

from_tanjun(tanjun_client, /, *, tanjun_managed=True)

Build a component client from a Tanjun client.

This will use the Tanjun client's alluka client and registers ComponentClient as a type dependency on Tanjun.


  • tanjun_client (Client) –

    The Tanjun client this component client should be bound to.

  • tanjun_managed (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether the component client should be automatically opened and closed based on the Tanjun client's lifetime client callback.


get_executor #


Get the component executor registered for a custom ID.


For message scoped executors use get_executor_for_message. as they will not be returned here.


  • custom_id (str) –

    The custom ID to get the executor for.


get_executor_for_message #


Get the component executor registered for a message.



on_gateway_event async #


Process an interaction create gateway event.


on_rest_request async #


Process a component interaction REST request.



  • ResponseT

    The REST response.

open #


Startup the component client.

register_executor #

register_executor(executor, /, *, message=None, timeout=_internal.NO_DEFAULT)

Add an executor to this client.


  • executor (AbstractComponentExecutor) –

    The executor to register.

  • message (Optional[SnowflakeishOr[Message]], default: None ) –

    The message to register this executor for.

    If this is left as None then this executor will be registered globally for its custom IDs.

  • timeout (Union[AbstractTimeout, None, NoDefault], default: NO_DEFAULT ) –

    The executor's timeout.

    This defaults to a 30 second sliding timeout.


  • Self

    The component client to allow chaining.


  • ValueError

    If message is already registered when it's passed.

    If any of the executor's custom IDs are already registered when message wasn't passed.

ComponentContext #

Bases: BaseContext[ComponentInteraction]

The context used for message component triggers.

alluka property #


The Alluka client being used for callback dependency injection.

author property #


Author of this interaction.

cache property #


Hikari cache instance this context's client was initialised with.

channel_id property #


ID of the channel this interaction was triggered in.

client property #


The component client this context is bound to.

events property #


Object of the event manager this context's client was initialised with.

expires_at property #


When this context expires.

After this time is reached, the message/response methods on this context will always raise hikari.NotFoundError.

has_been_deferred property #


Whether this context's initial response has been deferred.

This will be true if BaseContext.defer has been called.

has_responded property #


Whether an initial response has been made to this context yet.

It's worth noting that a context must be either responded to or deferred within 3 seconds from it being received otherwise it'll be marked as failed.

This will be true if either BaseContext.respond, BaseContext.create_initial_response or BaseContext.edit_initial_response (after a deferral) has been called.

id_match property #


Section of the ID used to identify the relevant executor.

id_metadata property #


Metadata from the interaction's custom ID.

interaction property #


Object of the interaction this context is for.

rest property #


Object of the Hikari REST client this context's client was initialised with.

selected_channels property #


Sequence of the users passed for a channel select menu.

selected_members property #


Sequence of the members passed for a user select menu.

This will also include some of the values for a mentionable select menu.

selected_roles property #


Sequence of the users passed for a role select menu.

This will also include some of the values for a mentionable select menu.

selected_texts property #


Sequence of the values passed for a text select menu.

selected_users property #


Sequence of the users passed for a user select menu.

This will also include some of the values for a mentionable select menu.

ComponentContext.selected_members has the full member objects.

server property #


Object of the Hikari interaction server provided for this context's client.

shard property #


Shard that triggered the interaction.


This will be None if BaseContext.shards is also None.

shards property #


Object of the Hikari shard manager this context's client was initialised with.

voice property #


Object of the Hikari voice component this context's client was initialised with.

create_followup async #

create_followup(content=hikari.UNDEFINED, *, delete_after=None, ephemeral=None, attachment=hikari.UNDEFINED, attachments=hikari.UNDEFINED, component=hikari.UNDEFINED, components=hikari.UNDEFINED, embed=hikari.UNDEFINED, embeds=hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone=hikari.UNDEFINED, user_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED, role_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED, tts=hikari.UNDEFINED, flags=hikari.UNDEFINED)

Create a followup response for this context.


Calling this on a context which hasn't had an initial response yet will lead to a hikari.NotFoundError being raised.



  • Message

    The created message object.


  • NotFoundError

    If the current interaction is not found or it hasn't had an initial response yet.

  • BadRequestError

    This can be raised if the file is too large; if the embed exceeds the defined limits; if the message content is specified only and empty or greater than 2000 characters; if neither content, file or embeds are specified. If any invalid snowflake IDs are passed; a snowflake may be invalid due to it being outside of the range of a 64 bit integer.

  • ValueError

    If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or `user_mentions.

    If the interaction will have expired before delete_after is reached.

    If both attachment and attachments are passed or both component and components are passed or both embed and embeds are passed.

create_initial_response async #

create_initial_response(content=hikari.UNDEFINED, *, response_type=hikari.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, delete_after=None, ephemeral=None, attachment=hikari.UNDEFINED, attachments=hikari.UNDEFINED, component=hikari.UNDEFINED, components=hikari.UNDEFINED, embed=hikari.UNDEFINED, embeds=hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone=hikari.UNDEFINED, user_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED, role_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED, flags=hikari.UNDEFINED, tts=hikari.UNDEFINED)

Create the initial response for this context.


Calling this on a context which already has an initial response will result in this raising a hikari.NotFoundError. This includes if the REST interaction server has already responded to the request and deferrals.



  • ValueError

    If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions.

    If the interaction will have expired before delete_after is reached.

    If both attachment and attachments are passed or both component and components are passed or both embed and embeds are passed.

  • BadRequestError

    This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; invalid image URLs in embeds.

  • UnauthorizedError

    If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).

  • NotFoundError

    If the interaction is not found or if the interaction's initial response has already been created.

  • RateLimitTooLongError

    Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.

  • InternalServerError

    If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

create_modal_response async #

create_modal_response(title, custom_id, /, *, component=hikari.UNDEFINED, components=hikari.UNDEFINED)

Send a modal as the initial response for this context.


This must be called as the first response to a context before any deferring.


  • title (str) –

    The title that will show up in the modal.

  • custom_id (str) –

    Developer set custom ID used for identifying interactions with this modal.

    Yuyo's Component client will only match against custom_id.split(":", 1)[0], allowing metadata to be put after ":".

  • component (UndefinedOr[ComponentBuilder], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    A component builder to send in this modal.

  • components (UndefinedOr[Sequence[ComponentBuilder]], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    A sequence of component builders to send in this modal.


  • ValueError

    If both component and components are specified or if none are specified.

  • BadRequestError

    When the requests' data is outside Discord's accept ranges/validation.

  • UnauthorizedError

    If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).

  • NotFoundError

    If the interaction is not found or if the interaction's initial response has already been created or deferred.

  • RateLimitTooLongError

    Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.

  • InternalServerError

    If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

defer async #

defer(*, defer_type=hikari.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE, ephemeral=None, flags=hikari.UNDEFINED)

Defer the initial response for this context.


The ephemeral state of the first response is decided by whether the deferral is ephemeral.


delete_initial_response async #


Delete the initial response after invoking this context.


delete_last_response async #


Delete the last response after invoking this context.


edit_initial_response async #

edit_initial_response(content=hikari.UNDEFINED, *, delete_after=None, attachment=hikari.UNDEFINED, attachments=hikari.UNDEFINED, component=hikari.UNDEFINED, components=hikari.UNDEFINED, embed=hikari.UNDEFINED, embeds=hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone=hikari.UNDEFINED, user_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED, role_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED)

Edit the initial response for this context.



  • Message

    The message that has been edited.


  • ValueError

    If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions.

    If delete_after would be more than 15 minutes after the interaction was received.

    If both attachment and attachments are passed or both component and components are passed or both embed and embeds are passed.

  • BadRequestError

    This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large; invalid image URLs in embeds; too many components.

  • UnauthorizedError

    If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).

  • ForbiddenError

    If you are missing the SEND_MESSAGES in the channel or the person you are trying to message has the DM's disabled.

  • NotFoundError

    If the channel is not found.

  • RateLimitTooLongError

    Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.

  • InternalServerError

    If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

edit_last_response async #

edit_last_response(content=hikari.UNDEFINED, *, delete_after=None, attachment=hikari.UNDEFINED, attachments=hikari.UNDEFINED, component=hikari.UNDEFINED, components=hikari.UNDEFINED, embed=hikari.UNDEFINED, embeds=hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone=hikari.UNDEFINED, user_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED, role_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED)

Edit the last response for this context.



  • Message

    The message that has been edited.


  • ValueError

    If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions.

    If delete_after would be more than 15 minutes after the slash interaction was received.

    If both attachment and attachments are passed or both component and components are passed or both embed and embeds are passed.

  • BadRequestError

    This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large; invalid image URLs in embeds; too many components.

  • UnauthorizedError

    If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).

  • ForbiddenError

    If you are missing the SEND_MESSAGES in the channel or the person you are trying to message has the DM's disabled.

  • NotFoundError

    If the channel is not found.

  • RateLimitTooLongError

    Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.

  • InternalServerError

    If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

fetch_initial_response async #


Fetch the initial response for this context.


  • Message

    The initial response's message object.


fetch_last_response async #


Fetch the last response for this context.


  • Message

    The most response response's message object.


respond async #

respond(content=hikari.UNDEFINED, *, ensure_result=False, delete_after=None, attachment=hikari.UNDEFINED, attachments=hikari.UNDEFINED, component=hikari.UNDEFINED, components=hikari.UNDEFINED, embed=hikari.UNDEFINED, embeds=hikari.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone=hikari.UNDEFINED, user_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED, role_mentions=hikari.UNDEFINED)

Respond to this context.



  • Message | None

    The message that has been created if it was immedieatly available or ensure_result was set to True, else None.


  • ValueError

    If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions.

    If delete_after would be more than 15 minutes after the interaction was received.

    If both attachment and attachments are passed or both component and components are passed or both embed and embeds are passed.

  • BadRequestError

    This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large; invalid image URLs in embeds; too many components.

  • UnauthorizedError

    If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).

  • ForbiddenError

    If you are missing the SEND_MESSAGES in the channel or the person you are trying to message has the DM's disabled.

  • NotFoundError

    If the channel is not found.

  • RateLimitTooLongError

    Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.

  • InternalServerError

    If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

set_ephemeral_default #


Set the ephemeral default state for this context.


  • state (bool) –

    The new ephemeral default state.

    If this is True then all calls to the response creating methods on this context will default to being ephemeral.

ComponentExecutor #

Bases: AbstractComponentExecutor

implementation of a component executor with per-custom ID callbacks.

callbacks property #


Mapping of custom IDs to their set callbacks.

__init__ #

__init__(*, ephemeral_default=False)

Initialise a component executor.


  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this executor's responses should default to being ephemeral.

set_callback #

set_callback(custom_id, callback)

Set the callback for a custom ID.


  • custom_id (str) –

    The custom ID to set the callback for.

    This will be matched against interaction.custom_id.split(":", 1)[0], allowing metadata to be stored after a ":".

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The callback to set.


with_callback #


Set the callback for a custom ID through a decorator callback.


  • custom_id (str) –

    The custom ID to set the callback for.

    This will be matched against interaction.custom_id.split(":", 1)[0], allowing metadata to be stored after a ":".



ComponentPaginator #

Bases: ActionColumnExecutor

Standard implementation of an action row executor used for pagination.

This is a convenience class that allows you to easily implement a paginator.


This doesn't use action column's "static" components so any static components added to base-classes of this will appear before the pagination components.

rows property #


The rows in this column.

__init__ #

__init__(iterator, /, *, authors=None, ephemeral_default=False, triggers=(pagination.LEFT_TRIANGLE, pagination.STOP_SQUARE, pagination.RIGHT_TRIANGLE))

Initialise a component paginator.


add_builder #


Add a raw component builder to this action column.

This is mostly for adding components where the custom ID is already registered as a separate constant executor.


add_channel_menu #

add_channel_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_first_button #

add_first_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=None, emoji=pagination.LEFT_DOUBLE_TRIANGLE, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the jump to first entry button to this paginator.

You should pass triggers=[] to ComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_interactive_button #

add_interactive_button(style, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to this action column.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The button's execution callback.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_last_button #

add_last_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=None, emoji=pagination.RIGHT_DOUBLE_TRIANGLE, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the jump to last entry button to this paginator.

You should pass triggers=[] to ComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_link_button(url, /, *, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a link button to this action column.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_mentionable_menu #

add_mentionable_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_next_button #

add_next_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=None, emoji=pagination.RIGHT_TRIANGLE, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the next entry button to this paginator.

You should pass triggers=[] to ComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_previous_button #

add_previous_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=None, emoji=pagination.LEFT_TRIANGLE, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the previous entry button to this paginator.

You should pass triggers=[] to ComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT, default: SECONDARY ) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    Custom ID to use for identifying button presses.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: LEFT_TRIANGLE ) –

    Emoji to display on this button.

    Either this or label must be provided, but not both.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Label to display on this button.

    Either this or emoji must be provided, but not both.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to make this button as disabled.


  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_role_menu #

add_role_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_select_menu #

add_select_menu(type_, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a select menu to this action column.

The following methods should be used instead:

add_static_builder classmethod #


Add a raw component builder to all subclasses and instances of this column.

This is mostly for adding components where the custom ID is already registered as a separate constant executor.


  • builder (ComponentBuilder) –

    The component builder to add to the column class.

add_static_channel_menu classmethod #

add_static_channel_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_interactive_button classmethod #

add_static_interactive_button(style, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The button's execution callback.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_link_button(url, /, *, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a link button to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_mentionable_menu classmethod #

add_static_mentionable_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_role_menu classmethod #

add_static_role_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_select_menu classmethod #

add_static_select_menu(type_, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

The following class methods should be used instead:

add_static_text_menu classmethod #

add_static_text_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added by calling TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.



add_static_user_menu classmethod #

add_static_user_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_stop_button #

add_stop_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.DANGER, custom_id=None, emoji=pagination.BLACK_CROSS, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the stop button to this paginator.

You should pass triggers=[] to ComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT, default: DANGER ) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    Custom ID to use for identifying button presses.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: BLACK_CROSS ) –

    Emoji to display on this button.

    Either this or label must be provided, but not both.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Label to display on this button.

    Either this or emoji must be provided, but not both.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to make this button as disabled.


  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_text_menu #

add_text_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added by calling TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


add_user_menu #

add_user_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

get_next_entry async #


Get the next entry in this paginator.

This is generally helpful for making the message which the paginator will be based off and will still internally store the entry and increment the position of the paginator.


paginator = yuyo.ComponentPaginator(pages, authors=[])
first_response = await paginator.get_next_entry()
assert first_response
message = await ctx.respond(components=paginator.rows, **first_response.to_kwargs(), ensure_result=True)
component_client.register_executor(paginator, message=message)


  • AbstractPage | None

    The next entry in this paginator, or None if there are no more entries.

with_channel_menu #

with_channel_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_interactive_button #

with_interactive_button(style, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to this action column through a decorator call.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.

with_mentionable_menu #

with_mentionable_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_role_menu #

with_role_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_static_channel_menu classmethod #

with_static_channel_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_interactive_button classmethod #

with_static_interactive_button(style, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a static interactive button to this action column class through a decorator call.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


with_static_mentionable_menu classmethod #

with_static_mentionable_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static mentionable select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_role_menu classmethod #

with_static_role_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static role select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_text_menu classmethod #

with_static_text_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added using [yuyo.components.with_option].

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_user_menu classmethod #

with_static_user_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static user select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_text_menu #

with_text_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column through a decorator callback.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added using components.with_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_user_menu #

with_user_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

ExecutorClosed #

Bases: Exception

Error used to indicate that an executor is now closed during execution.

__init__ #

__init__(*, already_closed=True)

Initialise an executor closed error.


  • already_closed (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether this error is a result of the executor having been in a closed state when it was called.

    If so then this will lead to a "timed-out" message being sent as the initial response.

SingleExecutor #

Bases: AbstractComponentExecutor

Component executor with a single callback.

__init__ #

__init__(custom_id, callback, /, *, ephemeral_default=False)

Initialise an executor with a single callback.


  • custom_id (str) –

    The custom ID this executor is triggered for.

    This will be matched against interaction.custom_id.split(":", 1)[0], allowing metadata to be stored after a ":".

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The executor's callback.

  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this executor's responses should default to being ephemeral.


StaticComponentPaginator #

Bases: ActionColumnExecutor

Implementation of components for paginating static data.

This enables paginated responses to be persisted between bot restarts.

rows property #


The rows in this column.

__init__ #

__init__(paginator_id, page_number, /, *, content_hash=None, ephemeral_default=False, include_buttons=True, id_metadata=None)

Initialise a static component paginator.


  • paginator_id (str) –

    ID of the paginator this targets.

    This is ignored when this is used to execute interactions.

  • page_number (int) –

    Index of the current page this paginator is on.

    This is ignored when this is used to execute interactions.

  • content_hash (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    Hash used to validate that the received interaction's components are still in-sync with the static data stored in this paginator.

  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this executor's responses should default to being ephemeral.

  • include_buttons (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to include the default buttons.

  • id_metadata (Mapping[str, str] | None, default: None ) –

    Mapping of metadata to append to the custom IDs in this column.

    This does not effect the standard buttons.

add_builder #


Add a raw component builder to this action column.

This is mostly for adding components where the custom ID is already registered as a separate constant executor.


add_channel_menu #

add_channel_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_first_button #

add_first_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=_StaticPaginatorId.FIRST, emoji=pagination.LEFT_DOUBLE_TRIANGLE, id_metadata=None, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the jump to first entry button to this paginator.

You should pass include_buttons=False to StaticComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_interactive_button #

add_interactive_button(style, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to this action column.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The button's execution callback.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_last_button #

add_last_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=_StaticPaginatorId.LAST, emoji=pagination.RIGHT_DOUBLE_TRIANGLE, id_metadata=None, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the jump to last entry button to this paginator.

You should pass include_buttons=False to StaticComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT, default: SECONDARY ) –

    The button's style.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: RIGHT_DOUBLE_TRIANGLE ) –

    Emoji to display on this button.

    Either this or label must be provided, but not both.

  • id_metadata (Optional[Mapping[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Mapping of keys to the values of extra metadata to include in this button's custom ID.

    This will be encoded as a url query string.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Label to display on this button.

    Either this or emoji must be provided, but not both.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to make this button as disabled.


  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_link_button(url, /, *, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a link button to this action column.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_mentionable_menu #

add_mentionable_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_next_button #

add_next_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=_StaticPaginatorId.NEXT, emoji=pagination.RIGHT_TRIANGLE, id_metadata=None, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the next entry button to this paginator.

You should pass include_buttons=False to StaticComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT, default: SECONDARY ) –

    The button's style.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: RIGHT_TRIANGLE ) –

    Emoji to display on this button.

    Either this or label must be provided, but not both.

  • id_metadata (Optional[Mapping[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Mapping of keys to the values of extra metadata to include in this button's custom ID.

    This will be encoded as a url query string.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Label to display on this button.

    Either this or emoji must be provided, but not both.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to make this button as disabled.


  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_previous_button #

add_previous_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.SECONDARY, custom_id=_StaticPaginatorId.PREVIOUS, emoji=pagination.LEFT_TRIANGLE, id_metadata=None, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the previous entry button to this paginator.

You should pass include_buttons=False to StaticComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT, default: SECONDARY ) –

    The button's style.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: LEFT_TRIANGLE ) –

    Emoji to display on this button.

    Either this or label must be provided, but not both.

  • id_metadata (Optional[Mapping[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Mapping of keys to the values of extra metadata to include in this button's custom ID.

    This will be encoded as a url query string.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Label to display on this button.

    Either this or emoji must be provided, but not both.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to make this button as disabled.


  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_role_menu #

add_role_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

add_select_button #

add_select_button(*, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.DANGER, custom_id=_StaticPaginatorId.SELECT, emoji=pagination.SELECT_PAGE_SYMBOL, id_metadata=None, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add the select page button to this paginator.

You should pass include_buttons=False to StaticComponentPaginator.__init__ before calling this.


These buttons will appear in the order these methods were called in.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT, default: DANGER ) –

    The button's style.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: SELECT_PAGE_SYMBOL ) –

    Emoji to display on this button.

    Either this or label must be provided, but not both.

  • id_metadata (Optional[Mapping[str, str]], default: None ) –

    Mapping of keys to the values of extra metadata to include in this button's custom ID.

    This will be encoded as a url query string.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Label to display on this button.

    Either this or emoji must be provided, but not both.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to make this button as disabled.


  • Self

    To enable chained calls.

add_select_menu #

add_select_menu(type_, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a select menu to this action column.

The following methods should be used instead:

add_static_builder classmethod #


Add a raw component builder to all subclasses and instances of this column.

This is mostly for adding components where the custom ID is already registered as a separate constant executor.


  • builder (ComponentBuilder) –

    The component builder to add to the column class.

add_static_channel_menu classmethod #

add_static_channel_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_interactive_button classmethod #

add_static_interactive_button(style, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    The button's execution callback.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_link_button(url, /, *, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a link button to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_mentionable_menu classmethod #

add_static_mentionable_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_role_menu classmethod #

add_static_role_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_static_select_menu classmethod #

add_static_select_menu(type_, callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.

The following class methods should be used instead:

add_static_text_menu classmethod #

add_static_text_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added by calling TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.



add_static_user_menu classmethod #

add_static_user_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to all subclasses and instances of this action column class.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • type[Self]

    The action column class to enable chained calls.


add_text_menu #

add_text_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added by calling TextSelectMenuBuilder.add_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


add_user_menu #

add_user_menu(callback, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to this action column.


  • callback (CallbackSig) –

    Callback which is called when this select menu is used.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


  • Self

    The action column to enable chained calls.

with_channel_menu #

with_channel_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_interactive_button #

with_interactive_button(style, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add an interactive button to this action column through a decorator call.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.

with_mentionable_menu #

with_mentionable_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a mentionable select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_role_menu #

with_role_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a role select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_static_channel_menu classmethod #

with_static_channel_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a channel select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_interactive_button classmethod #

with_static_interactive_button(style, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Add a static interactive button to this action column class through a decorator call.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


with_static_mentionable_menu classmethod #

with_static_mentionable_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static mentionable select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_role_menu classmethod #

with_static_role_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static role select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_text_menu classmethod #

with_static_text_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added using [yuyo.components.with_option].

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_static_user_menu classmethod #

with_static_user_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a static user select menu to this action column class through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


with_text_menu #

with_text_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a text select menu to this action column through a decorator callback.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added using components.with_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

with_user_menu #

with_user_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Add a user select menu to this action column through a decorator call.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a UUID and cannot be longer than 100 characters.

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.

StaticPaginatorData #

Represents a static paginator's data.

content_hash property #


Optional hash used to verify data sync.

pages property #


The paginator's pages.

__init__ #

__init__(paginator_id, pages, /, *, content_hash, make_components=lambda paginator_id, page_number, content_hash: StaticComponentPaginator(paginator_id, page_number, content_hash=content_hash))

Initialise a static paginator.


get_page #


Get a page from the paginator.


  • page_number (int) –

    The zero-indexed page index.


  • AbstractPage | None

    The found page or None if out of bounds.

make_components #


Make the base message components used to start a paginted message.


  • page_number (int) –

    Index of the starting page.



  • KeyError

    If paginator_id isn't found.

StaticPaginatorIndex #

Index of all the static paginators within a bot.

not_found_response property #


Response that's sent by the default implementation when a paginator ID isn't found.

out_of_date_response property #


Response that's sent by the default implementation when content hashes don't match.

__init__ #

__init__(*, make_components=lambda paginator_id, page_number, content_hash: StaticComponentPaginator(paginator_id, page_number, content_hash=content_hash), make_modal=static_paginator_model, modal_title='Select page', not_found_response=None, out_of_date_response=None)

Initialise a static paginator index.


  • make_components (Callable[[str, int, Optional[str]], ActionColumnExecutor], default: lambda paginator_id, page_number, content_hash: StaticComponentPaginator(paginator_id, page_number, content_hash=content_hash) ) –

    Callback that's used to make the default pagination message components.

  • make_modal (Callable[[], Modal], default: static_paginator_model ) –

    Callback that's used to make a modal that handles the select page button.

  • modal_title (MaybeLocalsiedType[str], default: 'Select page' ) –

    Title of the modal that's sent when the select page button is pressed.

  • not_found_response (Optional[AbstractPage], default: None ) –

    The response to send when a paginator ID isn't found.

  • out_of_date_response (Optional[AbstractPage], default: None ) –

    The response to send when the content hashes don't match.

add_to_clients #

add_to_clients(component_client, modal_client)

Add this index to the component and modal clients to enable operation.


  • component_client (ComponentClient) –

    The component client to add this to.

  • modal_client (ModalClient) –

    The modal client to add this to.

callback async #

callback(ctx, page_number)

Execute a static paginator interaction.


create_select_modal async #


Create the standard modal used to handle the select page button.


  • ctx (ComponentContext) –

    The component context this modal is being made for.

get_paginator #


Get a paginator.


  • paginator_id (str) –

    ID of the paginator to get.



  • KeyError

    If no paginator was found.

remove_paginator #


Remove a static paginator.


  • paginator_id (str) –

    ID of the paginator to remove.


  • KeyError

    If no paginator was found.

set_paginator #

set_paginator(paginator_id, pages, /, *, content_hash=None)

Set the static paginator for a custom ID.


  • paginator_id (str) –

    ID that's used to identify this paginator.

  • pages (Sequence[AbstractPage]) –

    Sequence of the paginator's built pages.

  • content_hash (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    Content hash that's used to optionally ensure instances of the of the paginator's components are compatible with the bot's stored data.


StreamExecutor #

Bases: AbstractComponentExecutor, AbstractTimeout

Stream over the received component interactions.

This should also be passed for timeout= and will reject contexts until it's opened.


message = await ctx.respond("hi, pick an option", components=[...])
stream = yuyo.components.Stream(authors=[], timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30))
component_client.register_executor(stream, message=message, timeout=stream)

with stream:
    async for result in stream:
        await result.respond("...")

__init__ #

__init__(*, authors, custom_ids=(), ephemeral_default=False, max_backlog=5, timeout)

Initialise a stream executor.


  • authors (Optional[Iterable[SnowflakeishOr[User]]]) –

    Users who are allowed to use the components this represents.

    If None is passed here then the paginator will be public (meaning that anybody can use it).

  • custom_ids (Collection[str], default: () ) –

    Collection of the custom IDs this executor should be triggered by when registered globally.

  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether or not the responses made on contexts spawned from this paginator should default to ephemeral (meaning only the author can see them) unless flags is specified on the response method.

  • max_backlog (int, default: 5 ) –

    The maximum amount of interaction contexts this should store in its backlog.

    Any extra interactions will be rejected while the backlog is full.

  • timeout (Union[float, int, timedelta, None]) –

    How long this should wait between iterations for a matching interaction to be recveived before ending the iteration.

    This alone does not close the stream.

WaitForExecutor #

Bases: AbstractComponentExecutor, AbstractTimeout

Component executor used to wait for a single component interaction.

This should also be passed for timeout=.


message = await ctx.respond("hi, pick an option", components=[...], ensure_result=True)

executor = yuyo.components.WaitFor(authors=[], timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30))
component_client.register_executor(executor, message=message, timeout=executor)

    result = await executor.wait_for()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
    await ctx.respond("timed out")
    await result.respond("...")

__init__ #

__init__(*, authors=None, custom_ids=(), ephemeral_default=False, timeout)

Initialise a wait for executor.


  • authors (Optional[Iterable[SnowflakeishOr[User]]], default: None ) –

    Users who are allowed to use the components this represents.

    If no users are provided then the components will be public (meaning that anybody can use it).

  • custom_ids (Collection[str], default: () ) –

    Collection of the custom IDs this executor should be triggered by when registered globally.

  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether or not the responses made on contexts spawned from this paginator should default to ephemeral (meaning only the author can see them) unless flags is specified on the response method.

  • timeout (Optional[timedelta]) –

    How long this should wait for a matching component interaction until it times-out.

wait_for async #


Wait for the next matching interaction.


  • Context

    The next matching interaction.


as_channel_menu #

as_channel_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, channel_types=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Declare a channel select menu on an action column class.


  • channel_types (Optional[Sequence[Union[ChannelType, type[PartialChannel]]]], default: None ) –

    Sequence of the types of channels this select menu should show as options.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a constant ID that's generated from the path to the decorated callback (which includes the class and module qualnames).

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata and the custom ID cannot be longer than 100 characters in total.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    async def on_channel_menu(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

as_interactive_button #

as_interactive_button(style, /, *, custom_id=None, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Declare an interactive button on an action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.


  • style (InteractiveButtonTypesT) –

    The button's style.

  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The button's custom ID.

    Defaults to a constant ID that's generated from the path to the decorated callback (which includes the class and module qualnames).

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata and the custom ID cannot be longer than 100 characters in total.

  • emoji (Union[Snowflakeish, Emoji, str, UndefinedType], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's emoji.

  • label (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    The button's label.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether the button should be marked as disabled.


class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    @components.as_interactive_button(ButtonStyle.DANGER, label="label")
    async def on_button(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

as_mentionable_menu #

as_mentionable_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Declare a mentionable select menu on an action column class.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a constant ID that's generated from the path to the decorated callback (which includes the class and module qualnames).

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata and the custom ID cannot be longer than 100 characters in total.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    async def on_select_menu(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

as_role_menu #

as_role_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Declare a role select menu on an action column class.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a constant ID that's generated from the path to the decorated callback (which includes the class and module qualnames).

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata and the custom ID cannot be longer than 100 characters in total.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    async def on_select_menu(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

as_select_menu #

as_select_menu(type_, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Declare a select menu on an action column class.

The following decorators should be used instead:

as_single_executor #

as_single_executor(custom_id, /, *, ephemeral_default=False)

Create an executor with a single callback by decorating the callback.


  • custom_id (str) –

    The custom ID this executor is triggered for.

    This will be matched against interaction.custom_id.split(":", 1)[0], allowing metadata to be stored after a ":".

  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this executor's responses should default to being ephemeral.


as_text_menu #

as_text_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, options=(), placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Declare a text select menu on an action column class.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a constant ID that's generated from the path to the decorated callback (which includes the class and module qualnames).

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata and the custom ID cannot be longer than 100 characters in total.

  • options (Sequence[SelectOptionBuilder], default: () ) –

    The text select's options.

    These can also be added by using components.with_option.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    @components.with_option("label", "value")
    async def on_text_menu(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

as_user_menu #

as_user_menu(callback=None, /, *, custom_id=None, placeholder=hikari.UNDEFINED, min_values=0, max_values=1, is_disabled=False)

Declare a user select menu on an action column class.


  • custom_id (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    The select menu's custom ID.

    Defaults to a constant ID that's generated from the path to the decorated callback (which includes the class and module qualnames).

    Only custom_id.split(":", 1)[0] will be used to match against interactions. Anything after ":" is metadata and the custom ID cannot be longer than 100 characters in total.

  • placeholder (UndefinedOr[str], default: UNDEFINED ) –

    Placeholder text to show when no entries have been selected.

  • min_values (int, default: 0 ) –

    The minimum amount of entries which need to be selected.

  • max_values (int, default: 1 ) –

    The maximum amount of entries which can be selected.

  • is_disabled (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this select menu should be marked as disabled.


class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    async def on_select_menu(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:

builder #


Add a raw component builder to a column through a descriptor.

This is mostly for adding components where the custom ID is already registered as a separate constant executor.



class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    link_button = components.builder(hikari.impl.InteractiveButtonBuilder(
        style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, custom_id="CUSTOM_ID", label="yeet"

column_template #


Create a column template through a decorator callback.

The returned type acts like any other slotted action column subclass and supports the same add_static class methods and initialisation signature.


  • ephemeral_default (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this column template's responses should default to ephemeral.


link_button(url, /, *, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, label=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_disabled=False)

Declare an link button on an action column class.

Either emoji xor label must be provided to be the button's displayed label.



class CustomColumn(components.ActionColumnExecutor):
    link_button = components.link_button("", label="label")

static_paginator_model #

static_paginator_model(*, invalid_number_response=None, field_label='Page number')

Create a default implementation of the modal used for static paginator page jumping.


  • invalid_number_response (Optional[AbstractPage], default: None ) –

    The response to send when an invalid number is input.

  • field_label (str, default: 'Page number' ) –

    Label to show for the number input field.


  • Modal

    The created modal.

with_option #

with_option(label, value, /, *, description=hikari.UNDEFINED, emoji=hikari.UNDEFINED, is_default=False)

Add an option to a text select menu through a decorator call.



class Column(components.AbstractColumnExecutor):
    @components.with_option("other label", "other value")
    @components.with_option("label", "value")
    async def on_text_menu(self, ctx: components.Context) -> None:
column = components.ActionColumnExecutor()

@components.with_option("name3", "value3")
@components.with_option("name2", "value2")
@components.with_option("name1", "value1")
async def on_text_menu(ctx: components.Context) -> None: